Sunday, October 30, 2016

October meeting (Black Rock, White City) January Book (Hot milk, by Deborah Levy)

Thanks to all those who were able to make it to my place today to talk about the Miles Franklin prize winner, Black Rock, White City. Lots of us hadn't finished it, and those who did had reservations, but it proved to generate a lively discussion. Interesting characters living through the aftermath of war in Bosnia, rebuilding their new world in Australia. Graffiti a gripping device which wasn't fully realised.
Would repay rereading, but still, we thought we wouldn't be recommending it to all our friends and family. Johan a godlike heroic figure, his relationship with Susannah at the centre of the book.

Looked to the Booker Prize shortlist for our January book and decided on Deborah Levy's book, Hot Milk'. Look for it in libraries or buy the book! We will be discussing it at Pat Rs new home at Potts Point.

November meeting is at Stella's when we look at the Helen Garner short stories.

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