Monday, January 30, 2012

January meeting, March book.

We met at my place where there was a pretty good rollup, missing Sue E, Moy and Clare.

My sister in law Liz visited.

We looked at The Gate at the Stairs, by Lorrie Moore which was very well liked, and provoked discussion of the language, the playfulness of it, the poetry of the descriptions, the good depiction of the age of the protagonist. The irony was appreciated and the themes of birth, death etc made it quite a serious book repaying close reading.

With almost no discussion, we decided on Jennifer Egan's A Visit from the Goon Squad for our March book. We will be meeting at Jane's place in February for Kim.


November meeting. February book.
Woops, forgot to post in November, when we talked about Anna Funder's book All that I am at Clare's place. Quite a lively discussion and we liked the book. In fact it came through our end of year voting as the book of the year after a rather - well, random - voting process. More people gave it the thumbs up than any other book for the year anyway.

We also decided to do a classic book in February, to give people a better chance at getting it from the library. Hence, for February we are looking at Rudyard Kipling's book Kim.