Friday, July 02, 2010

June meeting - August book

Hi there, June meeting at Stella's was spirited - Moy, Sue W, Ros, Sue E, Jane and of course Stella in attendance. Missing Clare, Margaret and Pat.
We were divided about Diamond Star Halo, as Jane and I enjoyed it, thought it was fun, but most others thought it lightweight, and I think the word 'rubbish' was used.
After Craig Silvey's Jasper Jones at Pat's Potts Point address, we will do Peter Temple's latest book, Truth, which has just won the Miles Franklin Award, remarkably for a crime novel. I'm the venue for August and Sue E has her name down for September. Jane's new place in October and Moy's place in November, so that's the whole year sorted!

Plenty of reviews of Truth online, and an ABC book show podcast at the following site:

I've just realised that Truth follows on with characters from The Broken Shore.
Good as I picked up a copy of that yesterday.
Regards and enjoy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog Patricia. I see you have a blog for your group. I set up one for our group in late 2008 (MinervaReads - link on my blog) but few seem to contribute so it's a bit of a desultory affair. In fact, it was as a result of that blog that I decided to set up my own blog because I discovered that I liked posting and I was perhaps putting the others off.