Sunday, October 28, 2007

September & October meetings

Picture is of our January book: The Gathering by Anne Enright.

In the meantime, sorry to have got at bit behind. We met last month at Sue's new place to talk about Infidel, which stimulated quite a bit of discussion.

The month, we met here at Cheltenham to talk about Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky. What a wonderful book, wryly observed. We were four members - Stella and Ros, Sue and I, and we were pretty much in agreement about the book. So the discussion was not as lengthy as it might have been. We had a great review by Andrew Reimer, but he thought it was wonderful too, so we noted his observations with interest but it was just more agreement!

We had a question about the cover of the book - where did that photographic image come from.

Well, its from a collection of photos called the Rogerviollet collection - have a look at: It's worth a look at the series if you have the time. Great pic of people leaving Paris in 1940.

Next meeting is at Jane Roberts place - the Christmas meeting, so be ready fto begin deciding the best and worst for the year. The book will be Shakespeare's Women by Germaine Greer.

Then in January, we will do the Booker Prize winner: The Gathering by Irish woman Anne Enright. The Booker site says it is 'exhiliratingly bleak'. We should love it.